World Tour Step # 3 - Homepage Creation
Step Three involves creating you Home Page for your travel website. Home Page is also called the “Landing Page” because this is where potential customers “Land” when first visiting your World Tour webpage. This page should WOW your online audience…it will give a basic introduction of your travel company, an intro to your world city destination and be used to EXCITE your customers to want to book (spend $) on your trip!
ALL Home Pages should include the following 7 details…
1 ) Tour Company Name
2) Business Contact Info (Address, Phone Number, etc...please use “fake” info)
3) Group Member or Members Names (first and last = owners of company)
4) Welcome Greeting/Intro Paragraph
Include a paragraph convincing possible customers (aka. Travelers) to visit your chosen city using persuasive language. Including 1) the Topic/Main Idea/Intro Sentence: Why should someone visit your city? 2) Specific detail Sentences as to explain your WHY...please give specific place names and/or important events happening! 3) Closing Statement...this is the "slam dunk" sentence to close the deal with your potential customers! (Paragraph should be 4 to 5 complete sentences in length)
Formal Writing Goal - World Tour Homepage Paragraph
#1 - ALL Words Spelled Correctly
#2 - ALL Proper Nouns Capitalized
#3 - Capitalize First Word in each Sentence
#4 - Can’t use (move beyond) BUT, WE or I as first words in sentences
#5 - Correct Punctuation throughout sentence (Periods, Commas, etc.)
#6 - Must have at least 10 words in Sentence
#7 - Run-On and/or Fragmented Sentences are NOT allowed!
#8 - Paragraph must be 4 sentences and no longer than 5 sentences in length
#9 - Think…1 = Attention Grabber sent 2 - 4 = Supporting Details sent 5 = Closing Statement
#10 - Please do not “Center Align” this paragraph
5) AT LEAST 3 images of your Destination City
6) Include a Basic Map of Your Cities Country and add an “arrow” or “star” on your shared map to show and highlight the general location of your destination city….where are we heading?
7) Country Basics List
1 - currency name/type
2 - current currency exchange rates with the US Dollar
3 - official language spoken in your city
4 - Population of City
5 - Popular Phrases = Hello, Good Bye, Thank You & Where is a Restroom
ALL INFO for this step should be placed on your HOME PAGE!!