Sat 6th - Depart MPLS/Theodore Roosevelt National Park (South Unit)
Distance: 558 Miles (8 hours 30 min)
Night: TRNP Campground Site #13 ($14)
Park Maps: Cottonwood CG Map - NP Map

Sun 7th - Travel Day to Mt/Idaho
Distance: Teddy to Coeur d’Alene, ID 788 Miles (11 hours)
Night: Campground/Resort

Mon 8th - Resort Day/Big V Work Week
Night: Campground/Resort

Tues 9th - Resort Day/Big V Work Week
Night: Campground/Resort

Wed 10th - Resort Day/Big V Work Week
Night: Campground/Resort

Thur 11th - Travel Day/Town of Leavenworth, Washington
Distance: 225 miles (4 hours)
Night: Leavenworth, Washington
Weblinks: Town of Leavenworth - Best Restaurants/Beer Garden Guide

Fri 12th - Travel Morning to Mt. Rainier National Park
Distance: 177 miles (3 hours 30 min)
Night: Rainier NP - Cougar Rock Campground
Maps: Cougar CG Map - Rainier NP Map

Sat 13th - Mt. Rainier National Park
Night: Rainier NP - Cougar Rock Campground

Sun 14th - Travel Day/Olympic National Park
Distance: 190 miles (4 hours)
Night: Olympic NP - Kalaloch Beach Campground
Maps: Olympic NP Map - Kalaloch CG Map

Mon 15th - Olympic National Park
Night: Olympic NP - Kalaloch Beach Campground

Tues 16th - Olympic National Park
Distance: 38miles (1 hour)
Night: Olympic NP - Hoh Rainforest Campground
Maps: Hoh CG Map General - Loop A - Loop B - Loop C

Wed 17th - Olympic National Park
Distance: 80 miles (2 hours)
Night: Olympic NP Fairholme Campground or Near Port Angeles, Washington

Thur 18th - Kids Fly Home Seattle/Travel to North Cascades
Distance to Airport: 140 miles (2 hours 30 min)
Distance to NCNP: 125 miles (2 hour 30 min)
Night: North Cascades NP


Fri 19th - North Cascades National Park
Night: North Cascades NP - Colonial Creek Campground

Sat 20th - Wine Country
Exploring BC Wine Country in Campervan

Sun 21st - Wine Country

Mon 22nd - Golden Visit Golden Tourism WebLINK
Night: Golden Municipal Campground, Golden, AB WebLINK
Receipt for Camping

Golden, BC National Parks
Yoho NP
Kootenay NP
Glacier NP

Tues 23rd - Golden
Night: Golden Municipal Campground, Golden, AB

Wed 24th - Golden
Night: Golden Municipal Campground, Golden, AB

Thur 25th - Golden
Night: Golden Municipal Campground, Golden, AB

Fri 26th - Golden

Sat 27th - Banff
Night: FYI Tunnel Campground has a Shuttle into Town

Helpful Weblinks -
Banff/Barefoot Theory

Sun 28th -

Mon 29th -

Tues 30th -

Wed 31st -