Welcome to EUROTRIP

There is NO better way to learn about the world than to actually travel and explore places in person.  Due to the fact that our Geography class is unable to jump on the next flight out of the country, we are going to simulate “real” travel through the use of the World Wide Web!  8th Grade World Geography students will be using this website exclusively to complete their EUROTRIP website travel project. This project is a webquest experience in which students are guided through a series of steps/segments in order to complete the requirements in a “Click and Go” website format. The basic premise of this project is for kids to “invent” a travel company that specializes in European travel and create a website that advertises a 4 night & 5 day, all inclusive, trip for 2 to a popular/major city of our World. (note: 2 Travel Days, 3 TOUR days)

A Webquest is an assignment, which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn and use their knowledge about a specific topic.   Webquests requires synthesis of new knowledge by accomplishing/completing a “task".  This task is often related to solving a hypothetical problem or addressing a real-world issue or process. In this case the task is to create a 5 day adventure to a European city of their choice. The Webquest linked below is a basic tutorial that will walk 8th Grade Geography students through the basics on how to create and complete the World Tour Project...Good Luck and Happy Travels!

Example City Choices:

Europe - London, Rome, Athens, Helsinki, Oslo, Barcelona, Prague, Brussels, Cork, Paris, Munich, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Moscow, Lyon, Vienna, Bern, Venice, St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin, Bern,

Example Student World Tour Sites from past...

Norway Google Site Example - Hagen

Netherlands Google Site Example - Chloe & Sam

Holms & Swanson - Stockholm, Sweden


Fogerty & Lundgren - Athens